The awakening of the consciousness

This album of music chronicles the journey of consciousness as it lives the two-dimensional experience here on Earth through the interaction of the three vectors: soul, mind and spirit.
By listening to the melodies, it is possible to perceive the process of transformation of the bodily substance into awareness.
By spontaneously entering into contemplation, it may happen that the image of who the human who lives in this dimension is becomes clear again.
The human is only the shadow of who he is: Soul incarnated in living man.
The melodies represent the expression of what the author has experienced and still experiences through his life experience and that he tries to communicate by sharing his perceptions with others through his musical compositions.
Therefore, the album includes ten songs containing harmonies and melodies that allow access to a new dimension in which human beings can remember that they are MAN.
In this way it is possible to reawaken the conscience which can finally begin its eternal journey to remember itself through the shapes and dimensions of the body.
The tuning of the music was adjusted with the note A (A) at 432 Hz - Overall duration: 68'

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